Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lone Pine Time Trials 2010

Every year, there is a Time Trial event held at the old Manzanar airstrip between Lone Pine and Independence. It is about 3 1/2 north of SoCal. I went up with Tarmac Garage and their Nissan Silvia. Had 2 blowouts on 395. First blowout was fun. The second blowout was gay cause we were super tired from the weekend. The heat was KILLER. Overall, a pretty fun trip.

As for Tarmac Garage, they placed first and second in their class. There were 2 drivers, switching back and forth. That Silvia was a BEAST. The night before the event, we went out to the track to mess with the car a little bit. Had it at full boost, 400+ HP, and tore up the 2 rear tires in 30 mins. No traction, whatsoever. The next day, turned it down to around 250HP, and it ran perfect for the track.

- Dilly

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