Sunday, September 12, 2010

S Chassis Meet / K1 Anaheim 09/11/10 (Short)


Rolled out to the S Chassis meet in Anaheim yesterday to check out some cars. Got there late as I would with any other meet. As of late, I've been pretty lazy with my camera as far as taking pictures at meets. So, I only get a few.

The Heartbreakers definitely broke my heart. Their cars are amazing. Can't get enough of them. A few clean 240's here and there that caught my eyes. Otherwise, the rest were "mehh".

- Dilly

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Greddy-Fest Meet

The Greddy Fest Meet was pretty cool. Lots of cars, DJ, models. And of course tons of Greddy parts for sale. I have to apologize, my camera batter died when I got to the meet so the pics are low quality. I event video taped my appology lol:

Well on to the pics:
A little to ricer for my taste.
A lot more stock, and a lot more my style.
The license plate lol.
87 <3

I wish my car looked like this
Closer look at whats under the hood?
 Me n the girl.

GTR's gallore

Love the Evo's
Pretty Sweet SC.
 There weren't a lot of Euro's out.

Cleeeeean Zenki.
Fly ineed!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Yeah, so...I pretty much haven't been doing anything at all lately :/ I'm sorry guys, I havent even taken any pictures. This is the last photo I took:

This E46 belongs to my friend Moses. He kind of go into the car game late compared to me. But he chose an excellent car and I expect great things from him. Well to get back on subject I will try to get more content on here, if not event coverage, then frineds car or just cars I think that are dope :)
Thanks for reading

Why We Slide

"Why We Slide" rough footage from paul zlatin on Vimeo.